Born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, I represent four generations of hard working small business owners here in Washington State. I currently own a content production/software development company in Battle Ground Washington. I am a volunteer with the Children's Cancer Association, and donate my video & photography services where I can. I also enjoy playing music love to sing.

I am a Christ-follower and I am not ashamed of my faith. I believe America is a country founded upon Christian values, and like our founding fathers, I believe that our rights come from God, not the government. I believe that the constitution was not written to tell us what we can and cannot do, but it was written to tell the government what it can and cannot do to all of us. I believe that America was never meant to have a permanent political class and if elected, I will commit to only serving two terms. Real leaders lead by example and know their actions speak louder than their words ever could. I love America, this is the greatest country in the world.

I believe that our founding fathers never meant for there to be a permanent political class, thats why they left England: To establish a government by the people and for the people, not to establish one run by a few people to rule over all the rest. If I am elected, I promise to serve only two terms. I do not want to be a 'career politician'. I want to serve my country, then return to my community as a regular citizen, with no lifetime salary or benefits. If you will send me to D.C. I will do everything possible to stand up to the rampant corruption and focus on the 'kitchen table issues' that matter to everyone. I am not an 'elitist' worried about maintaining my status. I am an American, fighting for America, our children, and most importantly you.




Over 12 million illegal immigrants have entered our country in the last 3 years. The Biden administration has basically opened up our border and is refusing to enforce federal immigration laws. They are handing out credit cards and vouchers for free plane tickets anywhere in the country when the illegals come across the border. The Democrats have imported enough new voters to be the 19th largest state in America. I will not let them grant these people amnesty. It is time for mass deportations. It is time cut off ALL federal funding to sanctuary cities. We need to finish the wall and secure the border, declare the cartels terrorist organizations, declare fentanyl a biological weapon, and give our border agents the support and resources they need to keep us safe and our border secure.


Inflation is making you poorer. Your money is becoming worth less and less every day. Now the Biden admin is talking about a 'digital dollar'. The price of goods and services is rising faster than wages and more Americans are having to live off of credit cards than ever before. High gas prices are one of the largest contributing factors. More and more Americans are being priced out of home ownership. Our national debt is skyrocketing and for the first time Americans feel like their children will have fewer opportunities than they did. I will vote NO on all new spending. I will only vote on single issue bills. It is time to stop the entitlement spending that is bankrupting America.


Big tech is a big threat. Almost 16% of Biden voters said they would have voted differently had they know about the laptop. That alone would have been enough to change the results of the 2020 election. No company should have this much power. We must break-up the Facebook and Google monopoly over big tech. We must amend Section 230 to prohibit the moderation of constitutionally protected speech. Any platform that has a hate speech or misinformation policy is acting as a publisher and not a town square. If the speech is legal it should be allowed. People that you disagree with or speech that offends you is allowed in the public square. They also control the flow of information through search result manipulation. The free flow of information must be allowed.


It is no longer safe for many parents to send their children to public school. This is why I am propsing the H.O.P.E Bill (Holyk Options in Public Education). My bill would defund the D.O.E. and reroute all federal funding into a National School Choice Voucher System. All federal funding for public education would be sent directly to parents in the form of a voucher for use at any public, private, or home schools as well as Pre-K and even educational daycare. The bill will ban all DEI, ESG, and SEL in our schools, create a parental bill of rights and medical freedom for students, and will cut off ALL federal funding for universities and colleges. Our children our the future of this Nation and they must be educated, not indoctrinated.


Corruption runs rampant in Washington D.C. We cannot even turst the FBI to investigate the shooting of Donald Trump. Insider trading and corruption runs rampant on all sides of the isle. We must appoint a strong AG to go after the tough cases. We must clean out the civil right division of the DOJ. Jan 6th must be investigated so we can find out once and for all what happened on that day. There must be accountability for corruption no matter who you are. We must restore the American people's faith in our institutions and the justice system.


America was never meant to have a permanent political class. Almost all of the problems we are facing right now could be solved by implementing term limits. There seems to be a problem of people getting elected and then becoming worth millions of dollars on a modest government salary and becoming more worried about money and power than representing the people. Every term that goes by the further out of touch they become with every day Americans. I will do everything I can to push for term limits of 2 terms for Senators and 4 terms for congress members. I will push for a ban on all trading/owning of stocks for elected officials and their spouses. We must eliminate the incentive for people to stay long enough to be corrupted by power. Any elected official who is against this is part of the problem and needs to go.



The 2nd Amendment: Our Second Amendment rights are under attack like never before. The ATF has gone completely rogue and is not only attempting to rewrite Federal law as it pleases,but is also engaged in the unconstitutional policing of American’s protected 2 nd Amendment rights. Let me be clear about this: I believe that every American has the right to purchase and carry whatever firearm they want to without asking permission or passing any requirements set by the government. I want to abolish the ATF and repeal the GCA, NFA, and Brady Bill. I want to provide protection for people and businesses from having banks canceling transactions on firearms, firearms parts, or ANY constitutionally protected activities or items under the 2nd amendment. I want to work on legislation for national constitutional carry and draft legislation to reroute funds from the ATF to create federally funded gun ranges with free gun safety courses and training on BLM land. I will not compromise on ANY 2A legislation and protect all of our rights to keep and bear arms.


Isaac Holyk

Battle Ground ,WA

© 2024 - Paid for by Holyk for Senate - (R)